
Field Conditions Lawn Mower

Do You Have Brown Spots In Your Field?

 Still, you may have Zoysia Brown Patch, If you have discerned uncomely brown spots in your Zoysia field. Zoysia Patch is a current field complaint that can snappily propagate throughout your field if not averted and controlled effectively. Lawn tractor.

 Symptoms of Zoysia Patch

 Zoysia Patch is caused by a fungus bawled Rhizoctonia solan.R.solani blitzes the splint pods. Remote control lawn mower.

 Symptoms generally start out as indirect, discolored eyespots on the turf. The external borders of the patches are orange or unheroic. Unheroic indicates going complaint; orange lawn blades are recently infected and are starting to die. Riding lawn mower.

 Affected zones first show up water-soaked with wilted turf, which soon dies fully and mats below, creating a depressed effect. The complaint grows out from an intermediate point, so these indirect areas can enlarge fleetly. The areas can indeed grow concurrently, creating large anomalous dead zones. Self propelled lawn mower.

 Conditions For Zoysia Patch

 Zoysia Patch begins to elaborate when soil temperatures reprobate to 70 °F in the fall, but the symptoms don't inescapably appear at this time. The symptoms complaint are most apparent during ages of cool, wet rainfall in the fall and spring. In numerous cases, symptoms may not come apparent until primitive spring when the warm season meadows are greening up.

 In addition to heat and moisture, the main commissaries asking Zoysia Patch are inordinate nitrogen and irrigation, which means that indeed healthy, overgrown meadows can be susceptible. Other factors similar as poor air rotation, poor soil drainage, low mowing heights, inordinate thatch, and compacted soil can also beget a flicker of Zoysia Patch.


  • The stylish way to help Zoysia Patch is to help it by following good field care practices, including
  • Dethatching or demoting thatch to no further than1/2 inch thick
  • Monthly aeration treatments to decom pact the soil
  •  saving Acceptable nitrogen situations and escaping inordinate nitrogen in early bound and fall with the Turf Masters Field Care Program
  •  Watering lawn deeply but rarely in primitive forenoons
  •  Only watering when imperative
  •  Maintaining decorous mowing climax

 Avoid substantiating warm-season meadows in low-lying demesnes that stay impregnated for proffered ages of time from face runoff.

 Controlling business motives to obviates severe contraction 
